Resolutions: Ben Knight
Entrepreneur, Greyson Brand Rep, devoted husband, Father of three boys. Michigan native. Tiger Spirit.
His alarm goes off daily at 5 am. Sometimes earlier if it's a busy day. For the last 800 days, Ben Knight has lunged a half mile every morning. Overcoming every possible obstacle, from bad weather to a newborn baby's schedule, Ben has not let anything stand in the way of his goal. His commitment to change ensued in the middle of a husband's worst nightmare. Empowered, patient, dedicated, and brave, Ben is an example of how a change of mindset can change the course of your life. Commit to yourself, embrace the power of the Tiger, and read on to learn how Greyson's own Tiger Spirit, Ben knight crushes it every day.
"Change is hard. Change is frightening. However, change is inevitable. Being we have free will, do we choose to run from change, or do we choose to embrace it? When my wife Stephanie was diagnosed with cancer only five short years ago, I was forced into change. I asked myself 1000 times a day, was she going to live to help raise our children? Or was I going to lose the love of my life and left to raise these boys alone? I was absolutely petrified of the possibility of losing her, but I could not show it. At that moment I had a decision to make; do I do nothing and remain status quo or do I make significant changes in my life in preparation for the unknown? I had to show my wife and family I had the courage to change my ways to be the best husband, father, and man I could be. I began to work out a few days a week. I soon noticed some significant improvements in my body and mind. I could see and feel that working out had a positive effect on everything around me. I was inspired to continue grinding and continued my workouts.
Having been at Greyson for almost 3 years and understanding the importance of living the brand, I needed something more to take me to the “next level.” I ran across an Instagram post about a guy doing walking lunges and he set 40 days in row goal. I am not sure what came over me, but I was all in! It was just what I was looking for.
On Oct. 25th, 2018 I started walking lunges. My goal was to continuously lunge a half mile per day for 40 days in a row with no days off. The first 40 days turned me into a new person. Mentally and physically, I was unstoppable. It even helped inspire me to take the ultimate risk and start my own CBD line @simplified.cbd.
Today, I am still on this incredible journey and feeling more inspired than ever to remain committed to all my personal and professional goals. As of January 3, 2021, I have lunged for over 800 days in a row with not a single day off including an unofficial world record time for 1-mile walking lunges on day 700. I have lost over 30 pounds. 1000 days nonstop is the next milestone. Yes, it sounds unbelievable; frankly I am amazed myself, but I can’t stop now.
Change is doable. Change is not the enemy. Change should be embraced. For me, committing to change has been everything. When you are inspired to make a change either big or small, do it with conviction. Take it head on and smash through anything getting in your way.
My go-to outfit from Greyson is the Fulton Workout Shorts or Sequoia Joggers and a Guide Sport Tee (long or short)."
#nodaysoff #champlife #feedthewolf @simplified.cbd
Pack Mentality: Jones Sports Co