Pack Mentality: Jones Sports Co
December marks the launch of Pack Mentality, a month dedicated to highlighting friends of Greyson and how they plan to celebrate the holidays. From what's on their list, to their go-to Greyson pieces, to their favorite way to celebrate, gear up for the holidays with these tastemakers. Up first are the founders of Jone Sports Co. Matt Lemman and Chris Carnahan are best friends, business partners, and connoisseurs of the most utilitarian yet fashionable bags that any man can ask for.
A mutual respect and deep friendship clearly exists between these guys and Charlie Schaefer, Greyson's founder. Their creative synergies from concept meetings, to golf trips, to company friendships among employees, have all merged together to create an unbreakable bond between Jones and Greyson. Enjoy the read about how Matt and Chris have an incredible company that has unknowingly worked in tandem from the start with Greyson to evolve the game of golf, inspire men to make more choices when it comes to how they outfit themselves both on and off the course.
Chris Carnahan Style Perspective - Distinguished Dominance
How I celebrate the holidays
As a father of three, my wife and I love spending time as family during the holidays. It’s the foundation of loving memories your kids will always remember and pass on to their children. (And yes, we’re all sporting Greyson, with my boys in Greyson Pups.)
How I wear Greyson
From the work day at the Jones HQ, to weekends, golfing, and holidays, Greyson is always a part of my personal style. Living in Portland, Or, I’m constantly building my arsenal of layering pieces to keep a sophisticated casual look across all four seasons.
My current winter uniform is the Amagansett 5-Pocket Pants and a t-shirt layered with a colorful cashmere hoodie, vest, and jacket topped off with a pair of Air Max 1.
Once it gets warmer, I’m in Saranac Polos and Sioux Vests. Over the last year, I have even started wearing the infamous Greyson prints (with strong convincing by Charlie and the rest of the team Jones!).
Matt Lemman Style Perspective - The Alpha with Street Cred
How I celebrate the holidays:
Holiday is all about family. My wife and I have a 4 year old son (Leo) , and a 7 week old baby girl (Phoebe). Christmas is all about the kids and has taken on better meaning for me since becoming a father. I look forward to lighting a fire Christmas morning and emulating Clark Griswald. And this year in particular, there will be no shortage of Christmas movies. Our family favorites are Home Alone 1 & 2, Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story and Elf.
How I wear Greyson:
My favorites pieces are the perfect mix of comfort and style - if people do a double take, even better. Starting from the bottom, Greyson Montauk Joggers and Jordans are my go-to-look - I love being able to mix my two favorite sports into my style on the course. Then I’m adding a printed polo, cashmere hoodie (because, you can’t be mad at someone in a hoodie at a country club if it’s cashmere, amiright!?), and a Sioux vest. This outfit is perfect for every occasion, from performing on the course in the Northwest weather to a nice dinner.
Friendsgiving with Eastside Golf