Pack Mentality: Scott Malouf
Scott Malouf is the owner of two retail stores: Drest by Scott Malouf in Lubbock, Texas and Malouf on the Plaza, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Malouf grew up in a family of eight children with parents dedicated to retail. He worked in his parents' store from the age of 12, and was in and out of the family business for almost 30 years before starting his own stores 11 years ago. In partnership with his daughter Marlowe, Drest continues to be a family business with a focus on both mens and womens wear.
He began buying Greyson for his store in 2017, and almost overnight, the brand known for golf grabbed the attention of buttoned up suiting customers. Today, Greyson is one of the top brands in his stores, and Scott continues to evolve menswear by supporting Greyson in its expansion, while educating his customers on how to dress when there is not an occasion for a suit and tie. Scott himself took up golf at the golden age of 44. Today, he spends his time in the store, on the golf course, or with family and friends. Scott is a dear friend of the brand and a perfect ambassador for how to wear Greyson, no matter your position, your style, or your score.
“When we think about 2020, many relate the number to having clear vision. For me, the year has brought a laser focus I didn't have during the boom leading up to March 15. After the initial disruption, big decisions were easy because of the extreme nature of the choices: good/evil, life/death, solvency/bankruptcy, etc. So this Christmas, I will keep family close, and be mindful to let each action have a positive impact and embrace all the blessings coming our way.
As a specialty retailer, I will spend the 53rd Christmas on the retail floor, nursing back to health Drest by Scott Malouf and Malouf on the Plaza, my two stores that support 20 employees and help support many, many artists and companies. It's time to re-engage with friends, customers, and suppliers albeit virtually or in a modified manner.
Where does Greyson fit in all this? In 2017, when we discovered the line and placed it in our stores, it was a novelty for us. Our menswear business was elevated and serious, and Greyson was adventurous and fun. After 8 seasons and a pandemic, the brand has been a star in our night sky. Customers live in the joggers and tees, our golfers are playing more than ever, and the golf look has taken off. Our customers reached a "pack immunity," that is, wearing Greyson became contagious. Now it's integrated into every customer’s lifestyle.
The Wolf has guided us through a new retail reality, and I believe this was by design, not by happenstance. I work with many Native American artists. The symbol of the wolf in many Native American cultures represents a guide, a teacher. To have wolves present in my life and in my business has taught me so much I could not have learned on my own.
When I first met Charlie, the founder of Greyson, it was like meeting a carbon copy entrepreneur of myself. Charlie, however, is living a much bigger reality. He lives in a retail purgatory, between a golf world resistant to fashion change and a fashion world that thinks it has nothing to learn from the golf universe. And damn if Charlie hasn’t nailed “it.” Yes "it," that elusive factor that all designers aspire to reach. It's rare in a retailer's career to experience "it" while it's happening. He succeeded precisely because of his 20/20 clear vision. He has held the pack together through startup, growth, and now widespread success, which requires a special sense of direction and core beliefs. The product is permeated with passion, and as a gift, speaks highly of the giver. Watching, participating, and sharing in Charlie’s vision has been so fulfilling for me. The Greyson pack is how a relationship should be, moving together with friendship with a common goal and a shared destination of a unified community.”
Institute of American Indian Arts