Pack Heroes: Sean Gaiser
Musician, Entrepreneur, Family Man, Best Friend. Hero.
About a year later, my third child Dolly was born. At three months, she was diagnosed with a rare and debilitating disorder labeled Canavan Disease. At first, everyone told me, "I'm so sorry". It was all very hard to understand. Through it all, my wife Ruthie and I chose to disregard all negativity associated with Dolly's diagnosis and projected abilities. We chose love, everyday...all day. Now at age 4, having blown away all expectations, my sweet Dolly has taught me what it really means to be a hero. It's simple. All it takes is the willingness to make true sacrifices for the ones you love. Anyone who can do that is a hero.
Dolly provided the inspiration last year for a new song- "I Will Never Be OK". I wrote it in about 15 minutes, and I knew immediately that it was the missing puzzle piece to those old Greyson demos. In December 2019, I hit the studio with producer Eric Taft and finally wrapped up "The Dead Forest".
I eventually released it on Spiritual Sunday - Dec, 29, 2020.
What's shocking about this album is that it is all about Dolly, and Charlie and I wrote it before she was even conceived. I listen back in awe, wondering how we nailed it so perfectly. That one special person who comes into your life, and finally, once and for all, makes you a hero. Thank you Charlie. Thank you Ruthie. But most of all, thank you Dolly. You are my hero."
About Sean Gaiser: Sean is founder of GIGS Studio, a creative community dedicated to sharing music and the art of expression through music in all forms. He has created and shared an academy for learning, workshops for extended learning, and a live events space for celebrating through music. His own passion for music has led him to released two albums, available to listen on Spotify. Sean has a beautiful family; his wife and three children are the center of his world. Greyson founder Charlie Schaefer was Sean’s college roommate at Duke University, and they are best friends to this day.
Scarlett Spiritual Sunday: Kelly Schaefer