Tyson's incredible story from the eyes of our founder
7 years ago to the month, I started Greyson Clothiers… 7 years ago to the month, my dearest most brave wonderful friend stopped speaking… I sit here now while I begin to write this…crying and smiling a lot…thinking of him…reminiscing of the memories. I now question so many things…How some can be so blessed with such vast opportunities, creating constant successes while others are dealt scenarios that entail survival and everyday battles, never quite winning. I know we all have people in our lives who have to fight the fight…Tyson is one of my heroes and he has fought that fight for 11 years now…fighting for his life, for his family.
My soul brother Tyson Fowler came into my life as I had just begun my career at RL. I was doing a walk-thru of our Madison Ave stores, and as I mazed through the entrancing halls of the beautiful RL twin stores, I came to the second floor of Sport, and this charismatic, uniquely stylish, and kind salesperson approached me…
”Welcome…please let me know if I can help you”…”I would love to tell you about some of the products”.
Immediately amazed by the sincere yet confident approach…he had me…I was in :)…After I introduced myself I let him know that I was a designer and thought his descriptions were spot on and his energy special. I asked him what his dreams were….he replied “to work in design and be creative”…I asked if he would be interested in shadowing me and our design crew…but it wasn't quite as simple as that…I explained this would entail you to work your full shift at the store ( 3 days a week and weekends ) and then work with our crew on his 2 days off during the week. Without hesitation…we were off…Tyson did this for six months without a complaint, with a constant smile, a growing curiosity, and huge heart. His creativity began building exponentially. Important to note that Tyson had ZERO design training, and as he said to me, he hadn't been west of Ohio…so needless to say…He was a natural wonder who worked his tail off to get to where he got. We offered Tyson a job in men's design, and the friendship & partnership was solidified.
Tyson garnered the respect of all employees by showing them respect and kindness. He taught me how to be more patient and value compassion. Recognized by Ralph, he became somewhat of a muse we would constantly reference. Tyson was loved and adored by all that had the opportunity to work with him. His work accelerated and Tyson grew to be an integral part of Mens design.
An amazing father to two boys and husband to the most strong loyal and fierce wife, Annie…Tyson was on top of his world. He had a strut in his step and full stride in his life.
We were playing golf one day and he fell walking…it was awkward and we laughed it off…the next month he had complained he felt weaker while we were doing a push up competition…we laughed it off…a few months after that he couldn't do 1 pushup…
The weakness quickly spread throughout his body as he began seeking for answers. He was eventually diagnosed with neurological Lyme disease with ALS symptoms, and after being given nine months to two years to live, and exhausting all treatment measures in the U.S., he and his wife traveled to India for experimental stem cell treatment. The treatment began to halt the symptoms almost immediately, and now he is able to receive this treatment in the comfort of his home with his family at his side. Currently, with the help of the stem cells and with on-going physical therapy, and with his own grit and determination, he is working to wean himself off of the ventilator and regain strength in his body.
Tyson has been in a bed with a ventilator for 7 years…His movement has gradually declined to paralysis, his voice eventually leaving him and his world that he worked so hard for would never be the same…but his heart always full, mind always sharp, eyes always beautiful…he has never given up…he doesn't know how to quit…
Tyson has battled through various diagnoses, trips to India for life-saving stem cell treatment, selling his home…moving….his family….his wife…his boys….
His Wife Annie left her job of 13+ years to become a full-time nurse at home to care for him…this was not a decision for a year…this was a life decision she made…her selfless acts are truly the most commendable moments I can imagine. The hardships are so vast and each day presents a new problem to solve. Most Drs would have said he would not have made it this far, but he is here….fighting…showing some signs of the progression halting. Never not trying to communicate.
As I said earlier, we all have friends/family that are dealing with unthinkable life journeys. I am sharing Tyson's journey with all of you because I find it important to use our platform to tell stories about true heroes who fight every minute for a breath…just a breath.
Tyson's Story is still being told and despite all of the fear monsters and echoes of hate…I believe. I believe that one day we will all work together at Greyson…pontification and chatting endlessly about color palettes and the coolest places in the world we've never been to :)
Over next the two days through 5/16/22, we will be donating a percentage of proceeds to the Fowler Family & their foundation. This money will simply be used to help them live, survive, and take care of their kids.
We love you Tyson…Pack Mentality